Friday, August 20, 2010

What to do while waiting for your diapers to come in?

I know....I know, it's been a while since my last post. But I've been waiting for some diapers to come in so that I can give you a review of them. And so far, nothing has arrived.

As you know, my boy isn't due until December so how am I going to review the diapers I get? That's a great question.

Maybe I'll try them o
ut on my cats, that shouldn't be too hard, right? It may prove to be real hard because they still have their claws. What I'm actually going to do is see if I can figure out how to use the diapers without instructions. Then, based off of that, I will give you my honest review. Why do it this way? That's a great question. If you're a woman, turn to the closest man and ask him this question and if you are a man go ahead and answer this question honestly. How often do you actually follow directions when using something for the first time???? (That's not my cat, I promise)

I think we (men) like doing things by trial and error, that and instructions can be boring. The pictures don't really help and who wants to read a bunch of words??? I know there are some men out there who do read directions and instructions, but I am not one of those men and I can bet that there are probably at least 2 or 3 more men like me out there. For those of you who do read directions, you can go ahead and stop that...what I'm going to do will revolutionize your concept of diapering.

Instructions for using a cloth diaper? Really Dan? YES! Have you seen all of the components of some diapers? You have disposable inserts, cloth inserts, diaper covers, pins, Velcro, snaps, elastic bands, adjustable waists, etc, etc, etc.

So again, I apologize for not having more content but I am waiting - which means you have to wait. The only difference is you can read my blog while you wait and all I get to do is wait and try to figure out what pictures to put in my blog. I promise that you will get what you're all paying for real soon.....
Just wait, you may even see videos of me attempting to put the diapers on a stuffed animal. I can feel your excitement now!

Now for some interesting pics I came across:
Oh yes, I am going to find someone who makes these for men. No belt? No problem, we've got elastic holding the pants up and all you need is a belly......check! For those of you who have asked to see a picture of me (well, there is no one yet but I'm sure someone wants to know), here you go. Don't mind the outfit, I was just trying to figure out how to use my extra hand grenade vest.
Most people have these in their kitchen sink. Did you know that if you chose to use cloth diapers that you too could have a sprayer attached to your toilet? Just think of all of the benefits! No need to dunk those dirty diapers into the water anymore, you can just spray them off! Could this also be the answer to an inexpensive bidet..........just kidding.........seriously.......don't even think about it......I know you just did.......sorry!!!!
Finally, here is something that made me laugh. It would probably make a pretty funny baby shower gift! I actually found a few websites selling stuff like this. The one I really liked had images that I couldn't cut and paste so I found the picture below, but the link is here. (Baby C.R.A.P. - Changing Relief And Protection).

That's all for now! My plan is to have a review of some diapers by mid-week. So stay tuned.


  1. I love your writing! LOL and that is SO true about guys and instructions.

  2. Haha love it! You should enter giveaways while your waiting for diapers. I'll be having frequent ones over on my blog!

  3. You are hilarious! Love this! Keep it coming.

  4. too funny, I like the idea of a Daddy Diaper Kit.. Maybe I should make one to sell. I'm the owner of For the Monster!
